
Jul 10, 2024 🏖️👨‍🏫💶 Our ML summer school to be organized in 2025 received funding from Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées.
Jul 09, 2024 🎤 Talk on 6th Cluster Conference “Machine Learning in Science”. My slides are here.
Jun 15, 2024 📝 Two papers submitted to EMNLP 2024: Investigating Continual Pretraining in LLMs (stay tuned for the second preprint).
May 26, 2024 📝 Identifying latent state transition in non-linear dynamical systems paper is submitted to NeurIPS 2024!
May 20, 2024 📝 Infinite dSprites for disentangled continual learning is accepted to CoLLAs 2024!
Dec 05, 2023 📜 I co-organized the first Tübingen pre-NeurIPS event.
Oct 28, 2023 👨‍💻 Modulated neural ODEs paper accepted to NeurIPS 2023!
Jul 27, 2023 🎤 Organized a summer school on ML and mathematical foundations in Bilimler Köyü.
Feb 06, 2023 🎤 Talks on PCA/VAEs and diffusion models in Nesin Village.
Nov 06, 2022 🥳 Latent diverge-free GP-ODE paper accepted to causal dynamics workshop at NeurIPS!
Oct 06, 2022 🥳 Interacting Dynamical Systems paper accepted to NeurIPS 2022!
Jul 23, 2022 🎤 Talk on continuous-time RL at ICML 2022 workshop on continuous-time methods.
Jun 17, 2022 🎤 Talk on neural ODEs at Nordic Probabilistic AI School. Lecture material here.
Jun 01, 2022 👨‍💻 Starting as a postdoc in Bethge Lab in Tuebingen!
May 16, 2022 🎉 Paper accepted to UAI 2022, read it here
Apr 27, 2022 🎤 Talk on neural ODEs at Linkoping University ML seminars.
Feb 18, 2022 🎓 Successfully defended my dissertation! Read it here
Sep 01, 2021 👨‍💻 Visiting Bosch AI, Renningen, Germany to work with Barbara Rakitsch
Jun 18, 2021 🎤 Talk on ODE2VAE at Nordic Probabilistic AI School.
May 08, 2021 🎉 ODE-RL accepted to ICML 2021!
Mar 01, 2021 Visiting Thomas Schön’s group at Uppsala University, Sweden.
Feb 01, 2020 🎤 Talk on ODE2VAE at Machine Learning Coffee Seminar, here is the video
Jul 25, 2019 ODE2VAE accepted to NeurIPS 2019
Jul 15, 2019 Participating in Machine Learning Summer School in London